Monday, May 7, 2012

Advice for Writers: 032

After a weekend in Ohio, I'm excited to get back into the groove of things. That's right; I'm excited for Monday!

Does Quality Always Win?, by Jane Friedman. Important post to get people thinking on a Monday morning. Personally, I fall on the side of quality doesn't always win. I mean, I've read some incredible poems by well-published, yet still obscure poets. I've read amazing novels by authors who had horrible sales. Anyway, it's worth reading and considering Jane's post that was inspired by her first visit to the National Magazine Awards.

Are Your Scene Breaks Rude?, by K.M. Weiland. In this post, Weiland shares one way writers often confuse their readers with scene breaks, why it confuses them, and how to fix. It's a simple fix and an easy mistake to make. So check it out.

What If My Agent Doesn't Like My Next Book?, by Rachelle Gardner. Okay, okay. Here's my question: Why are all this week's post titles in the form of questions? Isn't that kind of weird? Anywho, I've had writers ask me this question (from Rachelle's post) several times over the years, and Rachelle has a very simple answer.

Can You "Read" an Audiobook?, by Brian Klems. As long as we've come this far, I might as well provide some other question-titled posts of greatness for writers. I really like this one from Brian, who's been on an audiobook kick lately (which is understandable with three girls, training for a half-marathon, writing a book, and working a full-time job). He wonders if it's all right to say you've "read" an audiobook.

Are You Letting Sleazebag Freelance Clients Get You Pregnant?, by Carol Tice. Seriously? Even Carol is using the question title thing? This must be some kind of new trend in blogging or something. But seriously, Carol defines a real problem many freelancers encounter. Then, she provides some tips on how to avoid getting knocked up.

25 Realizations Writers Need to Have, by Chuck Wendig. The question-titled post streak has been broken, but it's for good reason. This is an incredible post. Wendig is a personal favorite of mine, because he knows of which he speaks. His advice is nearly always right on the money. So check out this list of realizations.


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Check out these other Not Bob posts for writers:


Jennifer said...

Thanks for these. I love your post round-ups!

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for the shout out!

Lynn said...

Thanks again for the tips! Great info!