The word is taken from the end of the poem "Cold Water," which was originally published in Escape Into Life.
I like ENTER as the title, because it's an invitation to read my first collection of poems. Also, the collection itself is entering into a dialogue with readers and other collected works. Plus, I like how the word "enter" works in that final line: all of us afraid to enter.
As poets (and as writers), we often have to overcome our fears of rejection or ridicule to share our work with the world. To ask others to publish or pay for our work is taking that fear to another level. Yet, only by entering--despite our fears--do we start to achieve our dreams and goals.
I want to thank everyone who's fearlessly entered into a commitment to purchase a copy of the collection (before I even had a title for the collection, no less). Your support has given me an incredible lift.
As I mentioned in my original post, there will be only 101 copies in a Limited Edition printing of this chapbook now titled ENTER. Around half of those 101 copies have been claimed already, so I encourage anyone else who's interested in reserving a copy to contact me as soon as possible. The Limited Edition printing is limited to 101 numbered and signed copies. Once I hit 101, they'll be sold out.
Copies are $10 (shipping is included in the price for U.S. orders--and we'll have to figure out foreign orders on a case-by-case basis). Just send me an e-mail at with the subject line: I would like a copy of ENTER
I'll send along details on how to pay, what number your copy will be, and anything else that needs to be discussed. (By the way, click here to check out the line up of poems for the collection.)
Once again, thank you so much to everyone who's shown their support.
Follow me on Twitter @robertleebrewer
Or connect with me on LinkedIn.
What am I reading right now?
Jessie Carty's Paper House
Mailed my check Friday.
Thanks, Glynn! You rock!
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