Monday, April 29, 2013

Chasing April

OK, so the plan for April was to run all these guest posts (and even some of my own content) that were related to platform building. That obviously came off the tracks, and I'm not going to get into making too many excuses.

I'll just say that April turned into an even busier month than I expected (and I expected a busy month), and we'll just leave it at that. No need to dwell on it, but I do want to acknowledge that, yes, I was expecting to post more content this month. Sooo...

...let's take a look at what May's going to look like. I'm not going to over-promise, but we'll get back on track with the guest posting on May 7. Promise.

And now to hit you with an extra helping of cuteness, because it's cute.

Can you really argue with cute?


Sarah said...

Robert, I am so relieved to read this post. April did the same to me. No posts for two weeks - and this, the anniversary of primary platform rule of CONSISTENCY.

Can't tell you the degree of permission to be fallible you have just given me. And wonderful modeling of transparency. Just as I do in my writing groups. Simply state it and move on. Lesson appreciated.

PS Hope all is well.

madeline40 said...

I think we are all too hard on ourselves. We pile up too much stuff to do and then we don't forgive ourselves if we fail to complete our self-inflicted goals. Thanks for giving us permission to cut back on our expectations and forgive ourselves if we don't get everything done on time. All best for a great May, no matter how much work you get out.

Jennifer Chow said...

Don't worry, we all understand having a busy schedule. Plus, that cute picture makes up for everything. Looking forward to your May posts!

Linda G. Hatton said...

Aaww . . . what a cute face!

I appreciate your using my post and look forward to reading more when you are able to put them up. Thank you!

bolton calrey said...

she's adorable! good excuse!

Anonymous said...

You don't have to "over promise". I am sure you'd do the best you can...looking forward to May.

Lara Schiffbauer said...

We all make plans, and then things happen. Cest la vie, right? :) Often the pressure we put on ourselves is more than any one else would ever give us. (At least, that's how I am.) I'm glad you made it through April and hopefully May will be a little calmer!

Marie said...

Why would you want to argue with cute? And boy, is she cute! :)

Each month I swear I am going to hit my goal of at least one post a week, but I rarely seem to get there. It should not be that hard, but I just don't get it accomplished. Lord knows I have enough to say. It really is a matter of discipline for me.

Julia Tomiak said...

I totally understand, and I appreciate you "checking in" and admitting to difficulties. We all have them. Best of luck for May!