Tuesday, November 30, 2010

2010 November PAD Chapbook Challenge: Day 30

All our writing sites are currently down, but I don't want that to (completely) spoil the final day of the 2010 November PAD Chapbook Challenge. Here are today's two-for-Tuesday poetry prompts:
  1. Write a lessons learned poem. Could be lessons learned by the narrator or someone (or something) else.
  2. Write a never going to learn poem.
Here's my attempt:

"Lessons learned living here"

Believe it or not, the world is getting
heavier and lighter at the same time.


Follow me on Twitter @robertleebrewer


Check out these poetry titles that helped me learn several poetic lessons:


Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting the prompt up here, Robert! Posting the two on my blog until the website resolves itself...

Anonymous said...

Mine is also on my blog: http://vivinfrance.wordpress.com/2010/11/30/lessons-from-life-a-blitz-poem/

Walt Wojtanik said...

Thankfully, there's not a lot I can do in a concrete way, so the site being down won't be a great disappointment. Over the my blog:
"Through the Eyes of a Poet's Heart" for my initial submission.


Shari said...

It was a great run this year, Robert, wasn't it? Virtually glitch free. So a little closing adventure is in order, I think. Cheers for being unstoppable!

Robert Lee Brewer said...

Shari, I'm still hoping for a completely glitch-free challenge. Maybe in April?

Walt, thanks for another great month!

Joseph and Vivinfrance, you both rock!

Linda said...

Thanks, Robert -- this has been a great challenge.